The First UMA phone in the world.MyWork 2006. 7. 18. 02:56드디어 UMA 전화기가 나왔다.
처음 kineto에 join했을때 있었던PRE-UMA spec 부터 시작해서 지금까지
어찌됬던 삼성에서 p200라는 모델로 처음세상에 나왔다. 나의 노력이 조금이나마
들어간 프로덕트. 나는 어디로..
Samsung, LG ship advanced phones
SEOUL, South Korea — Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. said it became the first handset maker to deliver an unlicensed mobile access (UMA)-based phone to Europe that supports both fixed-line and wireless telecommunications services.Samsung also claims the UMA phone, trademarked SGH-P200, is the first of its kind commercially available.
The SGH-P200, featuring a 1.3 megapixel camera, camcorder, multimedia messaging system (MMS), MP3 and file viewer, provides seamless handovers between WiFi networks and mobile communications services, according to Samsung.
From EE Times today.
http://www.eetimes.com/news/latest/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=190400672'MyWork' 카테고리의 다른 글
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